Types of Dental Veneers

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Types of Dental Veneers



  • Dental veneers are referred to as the restoration made from various materials on teeth, which have experienced substance loss due to various reasons or for aesthetic purposes. The term carries the same logic. In cases where substance loss due to decay or trauma cannot be repaired with fillings, options for treatment include changing the appearance of teeth aesthetically or covering teeth that are lost or serve as support for dental prosthetics.
  • Thanks to the widely used dental veneer technology today, various types of dental veneers can be utilized to eliminate the unpleasant appearance caused by issues like cracks, fractures, and decay on teeth. Additionally, the problem of tooth discoloration can be resolved through veneers. Through this method, teeth can achieve a highly aesthetic appearance.
  • In some cases, it may be necessary to slightly abrade the teeth for dental veneer application. The amount of abrasion varies depending on the type of veneer prosthesis to be applied and aesthetic expectations. In some instances, veneers can be applied without the need for tooth abrasion.