Orthodontic Treatment

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Orthodontic Treatment



Orthodontic treatment can be applied at any age. However, especially if there are issues related to the jaw area, children should be examined before reaching full adolescence (10-12 years) to take advantage of growth and development. If necessary, treatment should start promptly.

Prior to orthodontic treatment, various analyses are required for diagnosis and treatment planning. Your dentist analyzes the position of the teeth within the jaw by examining cephalometric X-rays. Smile analysis and profile analysis are also performed based on photographs.

In Orthodontics, What Are Brackets?


Metal Bracket: These are treatments applied with metal brackets that appear gray and wires attached to the teeth. Despite the aesthetic discomfort caused by the metal appearance, this method is widely used.

Porcelain Bracket: This is a treatment applied with white-colored ceramic brackets attached to the front surface of the teeth. Due to the brackets being tooth-colored, they are difficult to notice and understand from the outside. It does not create any aesthetic discomfort.

Orthodontics with Clear Aligners: The latest technology in orthodontic treatments is the transparent aligner method, which is a wire-free orthodontic treatment applied to straighten teeth using transparent trays made by taking measurements from inside the mouth. The most significant reason for the preference of transparent trays, which offer the opportunity for wire-free orthodontic treatment, is that the orthodontic treatment is not noticeable while correcting the misalignment of the teeth.

Incognito & Lingual Braces: It is a treatment applied with dental braces on the inner side of the teeth, not visible from the outside. Compared to other orthodontic treatments, the completion time of this treatment can be longer.